are cybersecurity hackers

What Are Cybersecurity Hackers?

What are cybersecurity hackers? When you think about the word ‘hacker,’ what comes to your mind? Probably, you think of someone who breaks into the computer system.

On the dark side, yes. Some individuals do it to steal money and personal data. But, in this post, we’re not talking about bad guys. Instead, we’re talking about hackers paid by enterprises.

Who are they? And what are their roles in cybersecurity? Well, this post will tell you more.

The Ethical Hackers

Cybersecurity hackers are also ethical hackers. Ethical hacking is the process done by individuals to determine where the potential threats could come from.

They would have the determination of how a typical hacker could break into a computer system. Then, whatever information is found will be manipulated to address potential threats. They will also strengthen the computer network as needed.

However, to consider it ethical, there need to be a few parameters in place. Consider the following:

  • You need to have written or expressed permission to probe the company’s network. Thus allowing you to pinpoint any threats in the security.
  • You need to respect the company’s or person’s privacy.
  • It means you need to protect the task you’re performing. So make sure that you do not get exposed to any potential security threats.
  • You let the hardware manufacturer and software developer know of any perceived security risks that you uncover.

Well, having these parameters in place signifies that you can legally hack an organization’s network. As well as discover any security risks.

How To Become An Ethical Hacker

To become a cybersecurity hacker or ethical hacker, you must have the right certification. It shows not only your understanding of the business and technology. But, it will also show that you comprehend the ethical necessitations of ethical hacking.

 So, you need to be certified. Ethical hackers typically spend their day searching for means to attack information systems and networks.

They also look for ways to exploit a system just like an illegal hacker does. After all, what they discover is very helpful for organizations to improve their security.

Certification And Exam

To become a certified cybersecurity hacker, you must get the certification from the EC Council. You have to take and pass the exam. The exam costs only about $500.

Additionally, a cybersecurity degree will go along the way. Thus, helping you pass the exam and land a top job.

Moreover, the certification course also offers Soft Skill training essential for your success. In fact, social skills are used daily in 3 major ways:

  • Social Engineering
  • Problem Solving
  • Communication

Legal Risks

Ethical hackers need to complete a stringent set of background checks. And that is part of the hiring process.

Why is the so? Well, most companies usually do not hire ex-hackers. Or simply those with illegal past.

Besides, legal hackers are a self-policing group. And they share best practice methods to promote positive outcomes. Other professional groups may also promote codes of conduct to set a standard of professional conduct.

Moreover, there are severe consequences that exist for legal hackers. Especially if they stray from ethical practices, or otherwise ignore the confidentiality agreements.

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