cybersecurity nist

The A to Z of Cybersecurity NIST Framework

What should everyone know about the Cybersecurity NIST Framework? Read on to learn more.

What Is the NIST Cybersecurity Framework?

Have you ever considered the NIST cybersecurity framework? Well, we should do so. Especially when we create a new password or take other authentication measures.

In brief, NIST stands for the National Institute of Standards and Technology. It has standards, technology, and measurements. So, your security is secured.

Now, what is the Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) all about?

It is a helpful tool for companies and even individuals. So, we can all assess and reduce cybersecurity risks.

After all, these risks and threats can bring great harm. For individuals, they can lose their information and files.

But for companies, it can lead to a loss of everything. Customers, trust, reputation, and sales.

In fact, stats show that the average cost of a ransomware attack on businesses is $133,000.

So, we should do something to avoid it. And if you are working for a company, this is imperative. 

In this article, we will talk about the parts of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework. So, you can get started in the right direction. And as a result, you can improve cybersecurity.

NIST Cybersecurity Framework Components

The NIST Cybersecurity Framework is very helpful. For one, organizations can use it to avoid cybersecurity risks.

The CSF also has the following components:

  • Core
  • Tiers
  • Profile


The Core is an overall guide. So, organizations can manage and reduce their cybersecurity risks.

It also has five high-level functions. The five functions are the following:

  1. Identify – List of all equipment, software, and data you use. Also includes responsibilities for employees, vendors, and everyone who can access data.
  2. Protect – Control who can use computers. Use security software. Conduct regular backups of data.
  3. Detect – Monitor computers for unauthorized personnel access. Investigate any unusual activities.
  4. Respond – Have a plan for informing customers whose data may be at risk. Keep business operations up and running. Reporting the attack to law enforcement.
  5. Recover – Repair and restore the affected equipment and parts. Keep employees and customers informed of your response.


It shows how well a company views cybersecurity risk. Also, it tests processes in place to mitigate risks. 

So, the organization can understand exactly how much cybersecurity attention is needed. They can also see if they have the right resources.

Here, they can also consider their mission priority, budget, and risk appetite.

It also has four tiers. These are the following:

  1. Partial – limited awareness of cybersecurity risk management
  2. Risk-informed – no organizational-wide policy for security risk management yet
  3. Repeatable – organizational risk management process is present with security policies
  4. Adaptable – organizations can adopt policies based on analytics and lessons

NIST Cybersecurity Profiles

This component helps companies know about what they want to achieve. Of course, they should still consider their budget, risk appetite, and mission priorities.

They can do so by knowing about their Core and tiers. Companies can also build a cybersecurity profile based on the Five functions.

Then, they can target their profile considering their goals. So, they can take immediate action. Plus, they can reach their cybersecurity objectives.

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